Buying the latest and the most stylish boat isn’t enough—you also want to invest in a quality boat trailer before planning your next trip. A boat trailer allows you to explore your favorite body of water on a whim and store your vessel safely and efficiently when you aren't using it.

If you have recently purchased a boat and are unsure whether to buy a boat trailer, we can help you finalize your decision. Dewitt Marine is your local boat dealer in Michigan, and we know a thing or two about boat trailers. Our experts have created this guide to discuss a few perks of owning a boat trailer—so keep reading to learn more!


The foremost perk of buying a boat trailer is transporting your vessel conveniently. This essential accessory allows you to load your boat conveniently, haul it to your preferred body of water, and launch it from a dock or marina. Having a boat trailer ensures you don’t have to schedule the use of your vessel around the marina’s operating hours—you can plan your outings on a whim.


As a fan of the great outdoors, you probably love exploring the different bodies of water in Michigan. Then, you’ll benefit from investing in a boat trailer. This helpful piece of equipment allows you to move your boat from one location to another without being restricted to a specific region. This means you can discover more spots without worrying about transporting your vessel.

Cost Effectiveness

A boat trailer is a cost-effective solution in the long run, especially for those who use their vessels more frequently than others.

Marina costs for a single boat can be expensive, and some docks have an annual storage charge. As a boat trailer owner, you can avoid costly storage fees by hauling your vessel home after your outing. A trailer also helps you save money on crane rentals by allowing you to launch your boat safely from your preferred location.

Now that you know the advantages of boat trailers, you can purchase one for your vessel. If you need more convincing or help to select the perfect trailer, visit Dewitt Marine. We proudly serve Bellaire, Traverse City, and Grand Rapids, MI, so reach out today.